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Welcome! Are you ready to create your story?


In this unit you will be exploring imaginative texts and how the images used in the book help enhance the story. Your task will be to create your own imaginative text. Are you ready to get creative? Let's go!

Your Task:

This unit will take you on a journey that explores imaginative texts. We will investiagte 5 different books and explore characters and their traits and how the author uses different events within the story to change the character. You will complete different activties and task along the way to help you within your final task.

Your final task you will be "Creating a story". This story will be an imaginitive text that has a main character who changes from the events within the book. You will use picture to help create this story and add meaning. You will also use ICT to help design and create your story so it can be printed off and added to our classroom collection.

For your teacher:

Curriculum Descriptors

This unit is planned to be implemented within a Year 1 classrooms and works within the Australian Curriuclum Assessment and Reporting Authority's (ACARA) Digital Technology descriptors of:

  • Recognise and explore digital systems (hardward and software components) for a purpose. (ACTDIK001)

  • Collect, explore and sort data and use digital systems to present the data creativity (ACTDIP003)

English decriptors:

  • Discuss how authors create characters using language and images (ACELT1581)

  • Discuss characters and events in a range of literary texts and share personal responses to these texts, making connections with students' own experiences (ACELT1582)

  • Discuss features of plot, character and setting in different types of literature and explore some features of characters in different texts (ACELT1584)

  • Create short imaginative and informative texts that show emerging use of appropriate text structure, sentence-level grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements, for example illustrations and diagrams(ACELY1661)

Mathematic descriptors:

  • Choose simple questions and gather responses and make simple inferences (ACMSP262)

  • Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value. Describe the displays (ACMSP263)

General Capabilities

This unit will also embed aspects of general capabilities including:

  • Information and communication technology (ICT)

  • Critical and creative thinking

  • Literacy

  • Numeracy

  • Personal and social capabilities

Lets look at the data...

As a group, create a survey uses survey monkey to collect data on what type of characters reader like in stories. Your teacher will put it on your class blog and you can ask family, friends and community members to complete it. Once you have collected your data you need to make a spread sheet to present your data so you can use it to inform your book.

Click on the monkey to access survey monkey
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